
Showing posts from January, 2012

Cracks starting to appear :-(....

Well I have started back on the training, first few runs of 5k was great, really enjoying it and getting a new PB for it, decided to push the boat and do a 8k on my lunch break, after hitting 6-7k mark I felt a twinge on the underside of my right foot and the left side of ankle so have given the running a rest for the week and will try going up the km slowly, last thing I want to do is give myself a case of plantar fasciitis. I always get injuries from my right knee downwards and guess i should really go back to the physio or go for a biomechanical imbalance test to see whats causing these injuries, but its the £££, so going to crack on with the core strength exercises some more and work on the hip exercises again as I have stopped doing them since moving, fingers crossed it will improve but if not I have no choice but to seen professional advice, also I think it might be time for some new trainers....more £££!! Swimming is coming on fine, really getting a feel for the water now, j...

First post for 2012

Well as new years resolutions go, mine fell at the first hurdle....the aim to be better with time and eat healthy ended on the first day back to work...overslept and had to grab some junk food to keep me going through out the day as had no time to prepare anything...oh well. So my training is starting back up again anyhow, first swimming session back last week ripped me apart, so out of shape for 2 months no swimming, but soon got back into the swing of things. Running...did a 5km last week just to get the DOMS over and done with so I can get back to regular running and then up the millage. Cycling...soon as I get our shed base down and order one I'm going to do long bike rides to build up to 40km, currently I'm doing 20k a day going to work at back, but would like to use my tri bike and get used to it more if i could...maybe when its abit warmer? Right best do some stretches as off for a nice 5km run, under my foot is twinging abit so might just take it steady :-)