He who fails to plan is planning to fail...
Well its been a while since I have been on here to update my progress, In my last entry I mentioned about the splitting up from my partner of 8 years, I never would of imaged how much stress this would of put on me and stop completely in my training tracks. Past 2 months I have been very sparadic in training with no set plan and just doing runs here, swimming when I can, and cycling errr....never! So with less than 9 months to go till Ironman UK ive had to really crack down and get a plan of action sorted and stick to it so I am in the best condition ever when I toe the line. Currently im going between two houses until the ex can move out, so this is having an impact as having to stay in the house to look after my son 3 nights of the week...So whats the best alternative to no training? training in-doors! its not the ideal situation but its better than nothing right? So looked on wiggle for torture device 1 ie Turbo Trainer, I already had one but it sounded like a plane taking off and...