8 Weeks till Ironman...shit is getting real!!

With about 8 weeks to go, how are things shaping up?...Well.....my action plan, has gone totally out the window and its now just a case of getting what training I can get in, but most importantly the long slow workouts so I feel comfort in the distance and can at least finish the race...from being a case of getting a nice time its now a case of finishing and becoming an Ironman, even if i have to walk the marathon or crawl across the finish line!!!

Swimming - This saturday while down at the lake a few of my tri buddies was down and going to do the 5 laps (A tad over the Ironman distance) as they are doing the Outlaw triathlon and they have even less time than me! So they said I might as well give it a go...this time I hired a Blue Seventy wetsuit as my Orca 3 is now starting to feel very tight and constrictive (Nooo I have not put on weight if anything lost a few lbs). So off we set.....now im useless at front crawl and sighting...it messes me up so have decided to do the Ironman with a mix of breast stroke and front crawl....and 1h 40mins, I completed the 5 laps!! I was chuffed! Sure im not going to win any age groups or Kona slots, but its built my confidence up that I can survive the distance and cut off!!....boom!! now to just maintain that distance until race day.

Bike - Up to 70miles now, a bit hit and miss with the nutrition side of things, some rides ill feel amazing and finish good, others I just bonk and want to call my dad to get the car and pick me up!! trial and error I guess but its a leanring curve :-)...just got to get used being on the bike for such long periods, saddle sores, aching lower back, neck pain...I know I should get a bike fit but cant afford it :-(....so man up...get on with it.

Running - New pair of trainers bought, but not 100% with them, even though my old Nikes have aboot 460-480 miles on them, they feel snug, but the soles are really showing wear and tear, so sticking with the new ones for now, but if I dont feel happy on the day then the old ones are coming out for one last dance. Up to 10-12miles at the moment which is no good considering I have 8 weeks left, but this leads on to my injury report....

So far I have been getting a niggle in my left knee cap since my bike rides have gone more than 60-70km, adjusted my seat and this looked to have resolved it, but still comes back after each session. When I run this comes out 2x as worse and I have to stop at 10miles....its annoying as I had all the injuries on my right leg, now they are coming out on the left!!! aaarrgggghhh!! So trying to space my long run out from my long bike and trying to stretch and do what it takes to not make it hurt :-(....but like I say, I may have to walk the marathon, or just run through the pain! which I can do but I know I need my knee to be able to drive home the next day! :-)

Hotel is booked, staying about 4 miles down the road from the swim start...so will have to get a taxi in the morning or one of my Tri buddies to take me.....and pick my corpse up at the end of the day!!

So exciting times, just hope I can hold this all together!!


  1. Andy what are you doing for your nutrition on the bike? I am drinking every 15 minutes and eating every 30, either a gel, jam sandwich square or malt loaf. My drinks bottles are one with water and one with Nuun. I think it is key to getting this nailed or the run is going to be emotional : ( Good luck with the next few weeks training, the taper will be here before we know it!!

  2. Well tbh i have no idea! I am up to 80miles on the bike and I take with me 4 slices of Sorean loaf, 1 gel, 1 powerbar 1 bottle of isotonic drink...im pretty much spent after that an on the verge of bonking! so I think I need a little more with me next time im hitting the big miles!! But yeah need to get it sorted asap, or ill just take what's at the food stations hence practicing with the powerbar products. Taper cant come soon enough, my knee is starting to give me grief..may even take the week off just before Ironman for some much needed rest on it! Hope your training is going well :-)

  3. Change of plan for me, after my latest 5 hour outing i was flagging a little so am going to increase my calorie intake to around 250 per hour, meaning eating every 20 minutes to get them in. I want to keep some structure to it so it easier to manage.
    I was reading the race guide this week and had to take a second look as i could not see energy gels at the bike feed stations, after an enquiry it looks like this is true which is disappointing!! They have isotonic, water, Half Bananas and half Power Bars but no gels..... guess i will have to stuff my jersey pockets!!

    Hope the training is going well mate, just over 5 weeks!!!!!!!


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