
The Glassman Returns - It's been a while!

Well it's been a while since I was here! So much has happened since my last cut a long story short....met the love of my life, got married, moved twice, changed jobs, had beautiful baby girl and now another one on the way! It's been a hectic 3 years but I'm back looking to do my next challenge having completed an Ironman Triathlon. I no longer have all the time to do all 3 disaplines without some serious planning and a very understanding wife! So am sticking to just running for now as it's what I'm good at (well...when I'm training!) so my next challenge is..... Running a sub 3hr Marathon! Why a sub 3hr marathon you ask? Well it's a very good time to complete a marathon and so much so it guarantees you access to the London Marathon. I have tried 7 years with the ballot to get in and failed, time waits for no one to be lucky and get a place so a Good For Age slot is my only hope, so for my age 18-40 I need to get a marathon ran in under 3hrs...

Southwell Tri, 2013 Season review and whats new for 2014!!!

Southwell Triathlon So as the season comes to a close, the last race on the calendar was the Lastminute Southwell Triathlon...having not done a sprint distance tri since....well....this one 2 years ago I decided to enter and have a little "smack down" with some of the new and old lads in the Lincoln Tri club....loads of high expectations and lots of sandbagging!! As my swimming has improved (not much!) we got to start later in the field at 11:08am compared to the ever so cold 7:45am 2 years ago! but this was to have its downside as for September it must have been one of the hottest days we have had this year...gorgeous!! So we all got lined up at the side of the pool, last minute talk me downs and it was game on..... Swim :- 10:31 (inc run to transition) - 400m Went off quite well, got into a good rhythm, but tried not to look to the side and see my competition as I knew this would make me go hell for leather and be blowing out my ass in no time!... but it happened ...

The Glassman is now AN IRONMAN!!!!

July 10th 2011 - My first Triathlon....from that moment I was hooked! I started this blog as my journey to complete one of the hardest endurance races - The Ironman Triathlon. A 2.4mile Swim, 112mile Bike and a full 26.2mile Marathon....crazy?....yeah I guess! Having watched the Hawaii Championships I was in awe at this race and wanted to do it, so started from the little sprint distances and worked my way up. August 4th 2013 was my moment to shine.....this is how my day unfolded... 3am - Woke up 5mins before my alarm went off (surprised I managed to doze off so quickly in the evening!), I quickly put kettle on for a cuppa and down some porridge while making final checks of what I was going to be taking with me and putting in my white transition bag for after the race. 4am came round very quickly so waited outside for my taxi that I booked.....10mins later nothing.....text from the taxi company saying its here waiting for me! A young couple ask me if I would like a lift as they was...

IMUK Hours away!!

Well....the past 8 weeks went like a blur and now I am less than 48hrs from doing the Ironman am I feeling? nervous? yes, Sore? abit, Sick, nope.....So how do I think im going to do? In all honesty I just want to get past the finish line and be an Ironman, Its been a shitty year to start off with and nothing went as planned, I was hoping the journey to Ironman be a stress free, happy event that I wanted to blog but such is life you cant see what lies ahead and what its going to throw at in all due fairness Im kinda blaggin this Ironman, I know I can swim 2.4miles and still have juice in the tank, I can bike 112miles, slight sore neck but legs ready to run, I can run a 1/2 marathon...the rest is going to be mind games to get myself to the finish without doing any serious damage to my knee or hoping I do it!!!...fingers crossed!!! Lets get this party started! :-)

8 Weeks till Ironman...shit is getting real!!

With about 8 weeks to go, how are things shaping up? action plan, has gone totally out the window and its now just a case of getting what training I can get in, but most importantly the long slow workouts so I feel comfort in the distance and can at least finish the race...from being a case of getting a nice time its now a case of finishing and becoming an Ironman, even if i have to walk the marathon or crawl across the finish line!!! Swimming - This saturday while down at the lake a few of my tri buddies was down and going to do the 5 laps (A tad over the Ironman distance) as they are doing the Outlaw triathlon and they have even less time than me! So they said I might as well give it a go...this time I hired a Blue Seventy wetsuit as my Orca 3 is now starting to feel very tight and constrictive (Nooo I have not put on weight if anything lost a few lbs). So off we im useless at front crawl and messes me up so have decided to do the Ironman wit...

First month training and Lincoln 10k PB!!!

Almost at the end of my first months Ironman well has it gone? Hmmm....not as good as I hoped as trying to juggle single life/training/studying is hard and have been missing about 20% of the workouts. Most of this is due to having my boy to look after when hes been ill or having done a really hard workout only for it to make me so fatigued I didn't want to do the next one in the evening... a few cock ups in the swimming time table ment my parents came over to babysit only for me to have got the day mixed up and the pool was not open for another hour!!! Running on the treadmill had to stop, it was too noisey and I could hear a slight knocking sounds which didnt sound too healthy either so scrapped that idea...Turbo is still as torturous as ever and I cant stand the thing and being stuck in!!!! but I have no choice and its the only way to get the miles in on the bike untill its the alternate weekend for me not having my boy so I can get out and ride to my hearts co...

6 months of torture! Now I see the on!!

After 6 months of pure hell of a relationship breakdown I was beginning to think my Ironman dreams was going to be over, nothing was going right in my personal life and training was non-existant apart from the odd run here and there....but now its finally over and I can get back on track! Got my house back, got routine starting back up again, sacked off dating women....its Ironman time! So with the clock ticking I worked out how long I got left till the big day....21 weeks! sh*t! is there a plan out there for such a short time? YES! low and behold the 20 week training plan... Will it be any good I was thinking?.....if Dave Scott 6 time Ironman champion can use it, then so I can :-). Tuesday is the first day of the it don't come without its difficulties...I am a single dad with a boy to look after 3 nights of the week and a Saturday, the last thing I want to do is sacrific...