First month training and Lincoln 10k PB!!!

Almost at the end of my first months Ironman well has it gone? Hmmm....not as good as I hoped as trying to juggle single life/training/studying is hard and have been missing about 20% of the workouts. Most of this is due to having my boy to look after when hes been ill or having done a really hard workout only for it to make me so fatigued I didn't want to do the next one in the evening... a few cock ups in the swimming time table ment my parents came over to babysit only for me to have got the day mixed up and the pool was not open for another hour!!!

Running on the treadmill had to stop, it was too noisey and I could hear a slight knocking sounds which didnt sound too healthy either so scrapped that idea...Turbo is still as torturous as ever and I cant stand the thing and being stuck in!!!! but I have no choice and its the only way to get the miles in on the bike untill its the alternate weekend for me not having my boy so I can get out and ride to my hearts content.....thats when its not raining/snowing/windy with this god awful weather we are having!! its bloody April ffs!.

So how we looking?

Swimming - Got some short tipped fins so I can use these at my local pool....the 2 female lifeguards didn't stop me last week so I can get some drills done now! if it had been the males I bet I would of got a talking swimming is just crap and always will be since I cannot get to the swimming sessions with the Tri club...So this time Im biting the bullet and getting 1:1 Video Analysis with stroke correction...something is just not right, I stop swimming for 2 weeks and loose everything, I struggle to do 8-10 lengths freestyle if I take some time off and its so frustrating!! I have had it done before in my previous post but It didnt go to plan on the day and felt abit rushed...This session is a full hour 1:1 watching my stroke, recording and correcting it on the day.

Cycling - Now im back in my house Im cycling to work again and building up the miles per week, also have started joining the Lincoln Wheelers for their Tuesday night 5mile time trials..first attempt was crap...I turned up all unprepared and gloves! my hands was freezing! This week...15:18, not bad starting block but I know I can do better, my legs was dead too because of the next bit....

Running - My strength of the 3...going well, millage going up each week, no niggles so far (touch wood!) decided a few weeks back to enter the Lincoln 10k...never usually do as I do 10k's on my lunch breaks and didnt want to pay out....but got talked into it so I did it....Now recently I managed to get my 5k PB down to 19.23....but my 10k's always been about 42-45 area because I never really bothered, but this time I thought I will go all out for a sub-40, no wind, pretty flat course, sun was shining....brilliant crowd!..PERFECT! off goes the hooter, start my watch.....every 1km I check to see where I am time wise and to keep it under 4min km's....get to the 5km mark in 20.05 going by the race clock! ffs I better get a move on! each 1km I sprint for 20-30sec and recover slightly keeping my pace level...I could feel myself wanting to give up!! last 1km, the crowds are cheering like mad, look at my watch 15sec to play with dont loose it! running into the castle square and I see the finish line at clock 39.20! I gun for the finish line to get the Sub 40 I have been after for sooooooo long!!!............and amost puked up twice!!...Well chuffed :-) 39.42!


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