David Lloyd Triathlon - July 10th 2011

Well here it is… my first step into the world of triathlon! Completed in 1hr 25mins 16 secs, the distances were 400m Swim, 24k Bike, 5km Run. Apon turning up to the venue I was abit nervous wondering what to expect but was soon put at ease when I saw that there was alot on newbie's doing the race too, a few mountain bikes spotted and even a shopper bike with basket! As it was my first Triathlon I had just the basics to get me through...had and all in one tri suit, slick tyres on my mountain bike, and a worn in pair of running shoes, running belt, bike helmet and some shades.

Here is me just after registration and about to get my bike racked up.

After getting registered I had to get my bike racked up and all my gear set up in the transition area and then head off to the race briefing as it was my first triathlon. I tried to hear what the guy was telling me but I just made out the basics, plus I could hear my little boy moaning on the other side of the car park while the missus tried to keep him entertained :-). Once that was out the way I only had a few min’s to get to the pool and be ready to start in my wave.

The swim was a bit choppy as lots of people in the pool, but I managed to get my lengths done even if I had to resort to breast stroke for the last 2-3 lengths as I didn’t want to get too out of breath getting straight on to the bike (swimming is not my best of the 3) plus I forgot how many laps I had done so, thought best do 2 more to be on the safe side......out the pool on to T1......oops i still had my swim cap on! ran back and dropped it off as they needed them for the wave counters....quickly dried my feet, socks on, trainers on, belt on, helmet on....bike....off!

Just as I mounted my bike I saw the missus with my little boy cheering me on which pushed me to get up to speed, first km I tried to get my heart rate down as I needed to prepare for the Burton village hill which was quite steep! but I managed to get up it without stopping which I was happy about. Not far down the road was my good friends Charles and Leander filming me (Ill upload the video later). Managed about 30-34km/ph average on my mountain bike and managed to overtake a few of the earlier waves on road bikes which got me thinking if I was pushing it too much before the run? but I didn’t really care as I was having fun!...coming to the end of the bike leg I saw all my family this time all cheering me on which made me smile big time having all this support so early on a Sunday morning. Another friend of mine was waiting for me apon entry to the transition area Oliver Hughes, shouting lots of words of encouragement and taking photo’s, I keep telling him to take up triathlon, but not up for it.....yet ;-).

Quick racking of the bike, spin my belt round and thrash out the 5km run, abit of jelly legs to start off with for first 500m but then I got into my normal running pattern, about half way I felt my right hamstring, feel abit tight so didn’t want to push it too much and cripple myself...so took it steady and crossed the line in 1h 25mins 16secs.....not bad for first attempt I thought :-).

My Splits:-

Swim - 11:22
T1 - 2:05
Bike - 48:15
T2 - 0.47 
Run - 22:47

Coming off the bike into transition

 Heading for the run

 Half way point

Coming in from the bike course

 Me and my little boy
 Last leg of the run


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