IM Hawaii 2011 Championship and 3x a week running

Well I managed to stay up till 2:30am to watch the finish to what was an amazing race! I did contemplate going to bed around the 10/11pm mark due to nodding off a few times on the sofa while watching the live feed on the laptop, but I persevered and kept going. I would give a race report but I'm sure its on the net somewhere anyhow.

Getting to Hawaii and doing the Ironman is most probably the pinnacle race of any triathlete, but the road to get there is not an easy one having to be in the top 3-5 in your age group at any Ironman race to qualify (Kona slots vary on the age groups and the location of the race). After looking at some of the results about 1,100 managed to go around the 9hr mark! I would love to do but a reality check is needed, it takes alot of commitment (and money!) to do it, maybe ill get lucky and do the Kona Lottery to get a place?  haha.

On the other note of training I have started running 3x a week, but already my legs have started twinging in places to remind me to build up slowly, which is so frustrating, I have the will to go out there and do it, but the body says sloooooow down. So for the next few weeks I might just do 2x a week running, 2x cycle and 2 swimming, shed a few pounds and get the core and glutes exercises going again.....even contemplating getting the Vibrams out again to strengthen my feet, but be cautious and not over do it this time!.


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