New running shoes an swimming membership

After starting back in my vibrams I wanted to try an go into minimal shoes full time an really strengthen my legs, so got a pair of VIVO barefoot NEOs for casual wear an for running, so far I'm really impressed an love all the toe space to spread my toes, also its quicker to put these on an hit the roads, vibrams do take abit of messing around with putting the toe socks on ect, only downside I can think of that they remind me of school plimsoles when I was at primary shoe...prob why we never got injured running around as kids :-).

The past few sessions in the pool has really opened my eyes, swimming once a week is never enough so with the help of my folks they have bought me a years swimming membership at my local pool, so aiming to go 3x a week if I can.

As for cycling, I have re-adjusted my handle bars to the lowest setting, but still need some tweeks, almost managed 30k in under an hour, if it was a straight course I recon I could do it :-).


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