32nd Birthday and first half marathon!

I turned 32 on Sunday an decided to keep that day as a mile stone for my first half marathon attempt....turned out I overslept and missed my calling to get the run in before we went out for the day to celebrate my birthday...so I did it on the monday just before I went to work, as this would give me a faster time as I knew I had to get back in time ready for work!! So up at 4:50, quick gulp of water, out the door! took a gel with me for that 10k pick me up. All smiles, comfortable 4:40min/km pace until I got to 19km and just wanted to get it over and done with, boredom was starting to settle in, now this was my worse mistake...I went a little too hard and started to get the mother of all stiches!!! I tightened my core and pushed on, then the niggles in my lower leg started coming on, the wheels on this wagon was starting to come off! Heard the delightful 21km beep in my headphones and then slowed down....1h 40mins, quite chuffed with that to be honest as it was my first attempt but I need to keep myself focus and not do any crazy sprints at the end unless its a race, I want to make the Rutland Water starting line!

So injuries after the run? well knees was abit sore, left one more so, what made it worse was I had my legs resting on a foot stool and my little lad just lent all his weight on my knee!! this gave me a sharp pain which I wasn't too happy about. its slowly going away, just hoping its not going to affect with my running plan and take me out the race :-(.


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