Achilles Tendon and 31st Birthday!

With less than a week before Southwell Triathlon my achilles tendon has started to play up again, all because of landing funny on the stairs at work! (See what I mean about being a glassman?)

While trying to run up the 5 flights of stairs I slipped on the edge of the step and felt a pull in my calf/achilles, didnt think much of it due to that fact I had DOM's in my legs from the Saturday run. Come the next morning, even breaking into a slight jog I felt it twinge and pain...Not good! So decided to rest it for the week to let the DOMs subside and see how bad it was. This morning it feels ok, so just going to leave the running until next sunday on race day, I got a PB of 21.16 for my 5km which im really happy about but maybe pushing it after not running for 3-4 weeks may not of helped I guess I was just thinking about going fast and working out my max heart rate, ready to start training with a HRM watch on interval and tempo training.

Link to Run:-

 I stuck to a good diet with lots of protein to help repair what damage I had.....untill Yesterday! As it was my 31st birthday I took loads of treats into work and indulged in a few...and then came home to a lovely 3 course meal cooked for me by my fiance. Now if my Tri suit struggled last week with the little extra weight I put on, I best be real good this week!


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Great effort on the PB!! Gutting to have the injury set back though.... Hopefully rest will see you right for next Sunday. Fingers crossed for some decent weather, best of luck!!

  3. Thanks mate, Just checked out the bike section tonight on way back from mansfield, looks like alot of ups and downs...not many flats as I thought....unless ive got the wrong road :-), Good luck to you too :-)


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