Southwell Triathlon - 18th Sept 2011

So how did it go? Considering how busy I have been,lack of constant training, illness an a few niggles I am impressed with a time of 1h 10mins.
My initial print out slip its put me down as 58m 44sec in T2! But got a text later this evening confirming my official time :-).

Well the swim was crap for me, bolted off from the word go and was pooped by 6-8laps and had to resort to abit of BS between laps, plus the 3 other people in my lanes was doing it and trying to overtake them doing FC just knackered me out. 11mins 45sec. I need to seriously put some pool time 2-3 a week if I have any hope of doing an Olympic distance tri next year.

Bike section had lots of ups and downs and a few good downhill sections to get some speed up. Hardly any traffic on the roads so that was good, over took a fair few people which made me happy, love my new bike, just still having probs with rear gears popping out of sync, still 34mins 19sec overall, chuffed.

Run section, major cramps in both calf muscles!!! reduced me to walking for first 200-400m until I could get my stride back, not taking on much water during the other stages prob left me dehydrated, last sprint I left a drink in transition area that I quickly got a few gulps before hitting the bike. 2 lap I was back in my running pattern and pushed it a tad to get 22mins.

Course was good, abit more challenging with the hills but reminds me I need to do some hill training both bike and run.

Injuries? Well as I sit on the sofa typing this out my hamstring feels ok-ish and my achilles tendon is giving a dull ache, going to stretch before bed an try hang my feet off edge of bed facing down, try to avoid shorting the tendon and getting pain first thing in the morning.


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